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My name is Daniel, and I am a professional trainer and certified nutritionist. My journey to this status has been long and full of obstacles. From a young age, I struggled with skin problems. Acne was a constant companion, and as a result, I was bullied at school. These years left a deep mark on my soul, and I became very insecure. I was practicing taekwondo and this sport became not only a way to improve my physique but also a powerful source of self-confidence. I dedicated more than 10 years of my life to taekwondo and achieved the level of black belt. This experience taught me discipline, patience, and resilience. Later, I decided to try myself in modeling. The desire to look good and be healthy led me to realize the importance of proper nutrition and regular exercise. Realizing how important the combination of fitness and proper nutrition is, I decided to deepen my knowledge. I became a professional trainer and certified nutritionist. Now my mission is to help other people achieve their goals, whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle mass, or simply improving overall health. I know what it feels like to be insecure and strive for change. I have walked this path myself, and now I am ready to help you walk it too. You can find here personalized workout programs and diets designed with your goals and unique needs in mind. Welcome to a world of healthy and happy living!




after 4 weeks

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